Dear Bruntsfield Primary families,

I hope you are keeping well and looking forward to a refreshing break with family and loved ones at the end of term – which is now less than a month away!

Thank you to those of you who attended the Parent Council zoom meeting on Wednesday 17th November.

We had a helpful update from Ms Kyle, heard about progress with clubs, got an update about our planned Winter Trail event on 27th November (, heard from Councillor Neil Ross about his motion to support the introduction of more zebra markings across the city, and had a brief discussion about ways families can get more involved in projects that the School is trying to take forward. We took questions about Covid testing, the staggered start and end of the day, parental involvement in outdoor learning opportunities, and ideas about new clubs to add to the further clubs which will be added in the New Year.

What we’re asking of you:

Events and fundraising

If we’re to continue to be able to run community building events and fundraising activities, we need volunteers to coordinate a programme of activities. Find out more about these roles on our Parent Community website: Remember, we’re really keen to get new ideas for events and activities, so even if you are relatively new to the school, or haven’t experienced a ‘Pre-Covid’ School year, we’d love to have you more involved.

Clubs roles

We also need someone to coordinate Health and Safety and Child Protection matters relating to our extra-curricular clubs – we hopefully have one volunteer already, please get in touch if you’d like to support the Clubs team in any other way. We had great suggestions for Gardening and Sewing Clubs – maybe you could be the Club admin or tutor for these newly suggested activities?

Involvement in outdoor education development and Bikeability training

The School is keen to work with a group of parents to develop ideas for the playground and to enhance opportunities for outdoor education. We’ve since also spoken to the School about getting volunteers to help get the P6 and P7 cycling scheme, Bikeability, back up and running. Please get in touch if either of these are of interest, and we’ll get a couple of groups together to work with the school on these.

Stay well!

In her update, Ms Kyle let us know that Covid continues to pose significant challenges to the day to day operations in the school, not to mention the wellbeing of our staff and children. Please do continue to follow public health guidance, test regularly to ensure you are not carrying the virus even if displaying no symptoms, and stay away from school if your family is symptomatic.

We’re all looking forward to a healthy December and festive break to celebrate the end of what has been an undeniably testing year for all of us.

With best wishes,

Chair, Bruntsfield Parent Council