We have a number of special interest sub groups, which sit within the Parent Forum but are separate to the Parent Council:
Playground Improvement Group
The Playground Improvement group works towards creating a better playground for our children, and improving physical aspects, sensory aspects, and opportunities for activities. The first phase of the project has been gardening focused, creating a herb garden in the upper playground.
If you would like to get involved with improving our playground, please email [email protected]
Used Uniform Initiative
Through regular sorting of donated and discarded uniform, the Used Uniform Initiative aims to offer free uniform to those who wish to re-use, be that for financial or environmental reasons. There are regular stalls timed in with school events, as well as ad-hoc standalone stalls. Going forwards, the hope is to have a dedicated space within the school where free bagged uniform can be collected by those most in need, when they need it.
To find out more or to get involved, please email Anna at [email protected]
Sustainability Group
The Sustainability Group is open to any BPS parents/carers who wants to volunteer their time, thoughts, and passion for themes related to sustainability. If you want to help, please contact [email protected].
Active Travel Group
The group is a place for discussion and action to make walking, scooting or cycling to school safer, easier and more pleasant for our kids.
If you would like to get involved please email [email protected]
If there is another cause you are passionate about that you would like to form a group for, please email [email protected]