Our Winter Fair this year takes place on Saturday 25 November, 2pm – 5pm. Things to look forward to include…
Upstairs Stage Hall: 2:30pm Ukulele performance; 3:00pm Choir performance; 3:30pm Mini Disco
Downstairs Hall: Drinks (tea & coffee, juice, hot chocolate, mulled wine including non-alcoholic); Eastern European hot food; “make-and-take” crafting stalls
Gym Hall: Tombola; second hand children’s books; pre-loved Christmas/ festive jumpers; pre-loved uniform jumpers & cardigans
Lower playground (under the shelters): Jolly Jam Jars; Market stalls (including P1 – P7 year group stalls; Comic Book Club; Craft & Design Club; Furoshiki Stall; PSA Craft Stall; Nursery Stall)
Upper playground (main entrance side): Sustainability Group ‘Clear Air’ game; Playground Project Group with fire pit
Suggested admission will be £1 per child (babes in arms go free), which includes a trail and wee chocolate or sweetie prize.
Preparations are in full swing, but we still need more volunteers to make things happen. If you can help, either with the Fair itself, or with set-up/ clear-up, please add your name and contact details to our Volunteer spreadsheet >> https://bit.ly/WinterFairVols23
Jolly Jam Jars
We are collecting Jolly Jam Jars this year to sell at the fair, they are like a cross between a lucky dip and a Tombola except that every jar is a winner! We want to make sure there are enough for all kids who want one, so please help with this if you can. Find out how to make and fill a Jolly Jam Jar here >> https://bruntsfield.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2023/11/jolly-jam-jars.pdf
Jolly Jam Jars can be dropped off on Fri 10 Nov, Weds 15 Nov, Fri 17 Nov and Weds 22 Nov during morning drop off (8:45 – 9am). Drop off point is the blue benches next to the main school entrance. Or you can drop them at school from 10am on the day of the Fair.
This year we are needing donations for:
- tombola prizes
- baking (incl. mince pies), either home made or store bought is fine but please remember NO NUTS!
- second hand children’s books
- pre-loved Christmas/ festive jumpers (both children’s and adult sizes) in good condition
- pre-loved school uniform jumpers & cardigans
- square fabric gift wraps for our furoshiki stall (between 50cm t0 90cm in size), either hand sewn or any cotton neck scarves etc. you have in that size
All donations can be handed in from 10am on the day of the Fair. If you can’t drop off on the day, please email [email protected] to arrange a handover.