The Winter Fair is back this year, for the first time since 2019. It will take place on Friday 9 December from 6pm – 8pm.
This year’s Winter Fair will have a much bigger focus on the children of our school, so we have not invited any external market stall holders. The event will include:
- Market stalls run by our school year groups
- Showcases and performances from some of our after school clubs
- Second hand uniform stall
- Second hand book and board games swap
- Hot & cold drinks
- Baking & mince pies
- Storytelling
- A tombola
- Plus a few other surprises
We will need the following donations:
- Second hand uniforms: please hand these in to the school office by Monday 5 December
- Second hand books, board games & jigsaw puzzles in good condition: please hand these in to the office on Thursday 8 or Friday 9 December during school hours
- Baking and mince pies: these can be dropped off on Friday 9 December from 4:30pm onwards
We also need around 40 volunteers to help the event run smoothly!
If you are able and willing to help at all in any way, please email [email protected]