Dear Parents and Carers

I hope this email finds you and your families well and that the return to school has not been too stressful on you and your children.

In the past few days the school gates seem less congested with many more of those in the vicinity wearing face coverings whilst waiting at drop off and pick up. Thanks to all of you for respecting your fellow parents, for arranging informal walking buses and for adhering to the road closures in Bruntsfield Avenue and Montpelier.

The School Road Safety Officer visited the school this morning and we discussed various options to improve safety including refreshed road markings and signage which hopefully we can have implemented before the weather turns. We also now have a small team of parents who are putting together a range of ideas for improving safety in and around the school.  Thanks to them for taking this forward on behalf of the wider community.

As we adjust to getting back to ‘normal’, the Parent Council is focusing on the new school year and our AGM which takes place at the end of September.  Part of this process is to evaluate how the PC is performing on your behalf.  We would like your views on how we are doing and what you would like us to focus our attention on in the coming year. Please spare a few minutes to complete this survey online: [THE SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED]

The AGM will also see a number of our Office Bearers complete their ‘time’ on the PC and for us to keep functioning, we need to have new volunteers get involved.  A few of you have already been in touch with questions over what this involves and in order for you to find out more, we will be holding an online information session on Tuesday 8th September at 19:30. We will hope to have a few of our office bearers at this session to answer your questions and tell you more about what they do. We will also post information on the roles on our website in the next week so please keep an eye out for more information.

There is much going on in the background at the Parent Council with a reviewing of how clubs might function,  a move from physical to online events and our accounts being prepared for the AGM. We will plan to update you on all these items at our meeting in September and I look forward to seeing many of you online then.

Until then, stay safe and well and look out for each other.

Best wishes,

Karen Galloway
Bruntsfield Parent Council