All parents and carers at Bruntsfield Primary School are invited to a Special Meeting on Monday 16 January 2023, to discuss how Parent Council funds are redistributed fairly to key priority areas in a speedy and transparent manner. The meeting will take place from 7pm to 8:30pm at school.
[Edit: Due to time constraints on Monday 16 January, a second Special Meeting was held on Thursday 19 January via Zoom, to continue the doiscussion.]
We are committed to supporting projects and initiatives that will widen access to opportunities for our community while recognising the diverse needs of our children. We continue to welcome funding applications from teachers and staff from within Bruntsfield Primary School, but will also consider other applications from external community organisations which are intended to add value for the school, pupils and staff.
In particular, we currently have two funding applications to consider:
- An application from our school Playground Improvement Group to further develop an an innovative whole-school outdoor learning environment in our playground.
- An application from the board of St Oswald’s Centre for a contribution to the ongoing renovation costs of their building.
Both applications are available to view/ download below.
As valued stakeholders we would really hope that you are eager to engage in supporting the school to nurture continued positive development, and hope to see many of you at the meeting.
Supporting Documents: